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1x photo (Click on the picture to enlarge it.)
  • Flower - 8259-Hot-shaped
    Height: 260 mm / 10.24 in. - 19 USD
  • Flower - 6759/c-Hot-shaped
    Height: 260 mm / 10.24 in. - 19 USD
  • Flower - 1159/c-Hot-shaped
    Height: 260 mm / 10.24 in. - 19 USD
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(products sorted from left to right)
Product code 8596874000052
Shape 6759/c-Hot-shaped
Height260 mm / 10.24 in.
Weight0.25 kg / 0.55 lb
pcs/box 1
Production time 3-5 days
Height: 260 mm / 10.24 in.
21 USD / 1 pcs
10 %
Your price
19 USD / 1 pcs
Pandemic led to the temporary suspension of glass and crystal production. Thus it is currently not possible to deliver this particular item. We expect to replenish our product range as soon as the situation with COVID-19 gets better.

If you are interested in similar items that we currently do have in stock (as not everything is on our website), please contact us at +420 731 435 022 or sales@crystal-treasury.com.

Glass pieces hot-shaped over a small burner, wired together in the form of flower. Hand-made in Bohemia.

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